Buying a Franchise: An Ideal Way to Start a Pre-School Business

Schools are primarily meant to provide education to children. In the traditional sense, education basically meant reading, writing and gaining knowledge about the various aspects of the world.  However, with time, the understanding of the concept of education has evolved as well. Now education is also referred to as a medium to develop a perspective on various aspects of life and to facilitate holistic growth. People have also acquired a better understanding about the importance of early childhood education now and how it plays an important role in the all-round development of children.  This factor has subsequently led to a great boost in the popularity of Montessori schools in India.  Modern parents are well aware about the importance of quality childhood education and hence prefer to enroll their young children at pre-school facilities. In fact, as per certain reports the Indian pre-school and child care market is projected to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of about 23% during the period of 2017-2022. Some of the other factors contributing to the growing popularity of pre-schools in India include:

  • • Increasing number of nuclear families as well as working moms
  • • Many well-known education franchising brands entering the pre-school market

Owing to the growth in the popularity of pre-schools, as well the comparatively lesser legal complications involved in it in comparison to other domains of formal education, starting a pre-school business can be  quite a viable and lucrative option for budding entrepreneurs. In addition to this, as education is one unique sector that is relatively unaffected by recession and other economic crisis, by starting a pre-school, one can rest assured that they will get to earn a consistent source of income and also not be impacted by the ups and downs of the market.

How to start a pre-school in India?

As people decide to venture into the pre-school business, two distinct business models would be available to them. They can either start their own venture or take up a franchise. It is important that they choose the ideal business plan for their venture to ensure its smooth operations and optimal success.

If the entrepreneurs choose to start their individual venture, they get a substantially higher degree of freedom. They are also not bound by a standard form of agreement. However, starting a pre-school on their own and right from scratch has certain downsides as well. In this scenario, along with starting the venture, entrepreneurs also have to manage all the elements involved in the set-up and operations of the pre-school on their own, including the aspects of

  • • Planning and finalizing the school curriculum
  • • Setting up the administration and infrastructure
  • • Teacher’s training
  • • Promoting the pre-school in the market

For a lone entrepreneur, completing all the aforementioned tasks in a meticulous manner can prove to be quite cumbersome. This would especially be the case with people not having substantial experience in the education sector. Therefore for entrepreneurs, buying a pre-school franchise would be a much easier and convenient option. They can easily get into a venture with any prominent primary school franchise in order to reap the benefits of this system. The best pre-school franchise brands of the country also provide entrepreneurs the benefit of specialized guidance and mentoring in the domain of infrastructure and interior design, teacher recruitment and training, curriculum planning etc. They also provide marketing support for the newly developed pre-school. To know more about the pre-school franchise system, interested entrepreneurs can check out the websites of brands offering such opportunities.

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