Want to Start a Pre-school? Buying a franchise would be the way to go

Early childhood education has an important role to play in laying a strong foundation for holistic development and lifelong learning among individuals. As per certain prominent research studies it has been seen that quality early childhood education is crucial in achieving superior learning in the primary classes. Due to its immense importance in the life of people, the trend of enrolling young children into pre-schools is fast catching up in India. These educational units provide a boost to the overall development of toddlers, by optimizing their learning habits and honing their social skills.

As the awareness among Indian parents about the importance of pre-school education increases, the demand for such education units would subsequently witness a definite surge. In fact, as per a report released in December 2017 by a renowned London-based market research firm, the sector of pre-school in India is likely to achieve a compound annual growth rate of about 32% in the coming couple of years. In addition to large metro cities, the demand of these school franchises in places like Jaipur, Patna, Jammu, Lucknow and other developing areas is also quite high. As a result, the major players belonging to the pre-school sector are spreading their reach across the length and breadth of the nation through the franchising system.

Starting a pre-school in India

Due to the consistently growing popularity of pre-school education in the country, opening up such educational units has emerged as a smart business move. Moreover, due to the fact that the infrastructure and regulatory framework involved in pre-school setup is easier in comparison to other educational institutions, this business venture would be a good choice for new entrepreneurs too.

However, choosing to open up a pre-school unit independently also has a flipside. As in this scenario, the responsibility of managing each and every aspect involved in the development and operations of the pre-school would fall entirely on the entrepreneur, the venture might prove to be a bit overwhelming for him/her. Hence, it is advisable that they choose to venture into the pre-school business with the help of the franchising system instead.

What is franchising?

Franchising is a popular business model that is followed in diverse industries across the globe. This system basically involves two parties, the franchisor (business brand) and the franchisee (new entrepreneur aiming to start a business). As per this business model, the franchisor provides the franchisee with the license to own and operate a distinct organization that is based on their business model and framework.

Why start a pre-school through a franchise system?

By choosing to open up a pre-school in association with the best school franchise in a place like Jaipur, Kanpur, Patna or for that matter, in any other part of the country, entrepreneurs can gain the advantages of sharing the goodwill, brand image and knowledge of the franchisor.

The pre-school franchising brands of the country ideally provide specialized mentoring and guidance to their franchisees in order to make sure that their venture runs in a smooth fashion. This mentorship generally extends to many of the aspects involved in the setup and operations of a pre-school, such as curriculum planning, teacher’s training, marketing, as well as its infrastructure and interior designing.

In addition to this, by starting a pre-school by entering into a franchising venture with any well-established and prominent education brand, the entrepreneurs would invariably get to make the most of the goodwill that the brand has created. Majority of the modern parents ideally place their trust on popular brand names that hold a reputation for providing high quality of services, and choose to enroll their children into their education units. Therefore, with the franchising system entrepreneurs would get to attract more number of students as well.

To know more about the best franchising opportunities available in the country, entrepreneurs can explore the websites of the most prominent education brands operating here.

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