How to start a play school in India

Starting a playschool in India is not only going to be a lucrative business opportunity, it can also be a highly satisfying proposition. Instructing and guiding very young children and propelling them towards an active and useful life can certainly be empowering. If you are wondering how to start a play school, here are tips to help you.

1. Choose a franchise

The first step of how to start a play school is to choose a franchise that goes with your own values as an educator. A franchise should be one that places importance on imparting the right background in preschoolers, with special emphasis on development of social skills and future nursery learning. Choosing the right franchise is critical to your success as a business because the right one can provide you with a lot of support in all aspects of running a preschool.

2. Research

The next thing you need to put your mind to is research regarding how many children of preschool age there are in the area, what their family income is like, what market rate is going on for preschool fees in your city or town, what kind of investment you need to make, what returns you can expect within a particular timeframe and other things. This is crucial because it increases your readiness to start your own venture.

3. Develop the facility

The next on the agenda of how to start a play school is to develop the facility. After getting the legal hurdles done and over with, you will need to buy various equipment for your preschool and furnish it the right way. Your focus should be on making the play school safe, clean and comfortable for your students where they can come in everyday for a fun and nurturing learning experience. For this you will need toys, books, rugs, art supplies, black and whiteboards, child-sized chairs and tables, cupboards, washroom supplies, cleaning things and other furniture. Don’t forget investing in a medicine cabinet for emergency medical supplies you may need.

4. Hire staff

Hiring staff is a critical aspect of how to start a play school. The right staff does not develop overnight, it requires the proper Teacher Training Program as well as quality professionals with a kind and encouraging demeanor. The franchise you choose should help you with teacher training because the success of a curriculum lies on the right staff. You will also have to hire non-teaching staff for your venture.

5. Market your play school

Marketing your preschool right is very important because otherwise the parents and families in the area will not learn about your venture. For this again, you will get a lot of help from a quality franchise. Apart from the usual marketing strategies, you can also think of starting a blog and social media pages to promote your business.
Starting and running a playschool can seem like a daunting task, but imparting education to little ones can be one of the most satisfying professions to be in.

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